#program for Shop Analysis. import os as o print('WELCOME TO GORGEOUS FASHION BOUTIQUE!!!!!') inp1 = input('Enter The Name Of The Customer :') inp2 = input('Want To Write Or Retrive or Delete(w or r or d) :') if inp2 == 'w': with open(f'{inp1}.txt','a') as f: inp3 = int(input('Enter Amount Of Items :')) f.write(f'ITEMS : PRICE\n') for i in range(inp3): inp4 = input('Enter Name OF the Item :') inp5 = float(input('Enter Its Cost :')) f.write(f'{inp4} : {inp5}\n') f.close() print('Succesfully Written!!!!!!!!!') if inp2 == 'r': with open(f'{inp1}.txt','r') as f: print(f.read()) if inp2 == 'd': o.remove(f'{inp1}.txt')