# Snake Water Game import random from playsound import playsound print('If You Win Then A music Will Play !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!') list0 = ['eye.mp3','diamond.mp3','keh.mp3','purje.mp3','dont.mp3','under.mp3','still.mp3','gang.mp3','gangland.mp3','guilty.mp3'] ran = random.choice(list0) print("Welcome to Stone Paper Scisor!!!!!!!!!") list1 = ['s','p','sc'] computer = 0 user = 0 inp0 = int(input('Enter The number Of Chances :')) while True: choice = random.choice(list1) inp1 = input("Enter Your Choice 's' for Stone , 'p' for Paper, 'sc' for Scisor :") if inp1 == choice: print(f'Your Choice = {inp1}\nComputer Choice = {choice}\nSame!!!!!!!') elif inp1 == 's' and choice == 'p': print(f"Your Choice = Stone\nComputer Choice = Paper\nLOST!!!!!!") computer += 1 elif inp1 == 's' and choice == 'sc': print(f"Your Choice = Stone\nComputer Choice = Scisor\nWON!!!!!!") user += 1 elif inp1 == 'p' and choice == 's': print(f"Your Choice = Paper\nComputer Choice = Stone\nWON!!!!!!") user += 1 elif inp1 == 'p' and choice == 'sc': print(f"Your Choice = Paper\nComputer Choice = Scisor\nLOST!!!!!!") computer += 1 elif inp1 == 'sc' and choice == 's': print(f"Your Choice = Scisor\nComputer Choice = Stone\nLOST!!!!!!") computer += 1 elif inp1 == 'sc' and choice == 'p': print(f"Your Choice = Scisor\nComputer Choice = Paper\nWON!!!!!!") user += 1 print(f"Computer = {computer}\nYou = {user}") if user == inp0: print("CONGRACTULATIONS \nYOU WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") playsound(ran) break elif computer == inp0: print("TRY AGAIN/nYOU LOST................") break